Sunday, April 16, 2006
The Field Museum
These are photos of the Field Museum, founded in 1893, one of the world's great natural history museums, with a world-renowned scientific staff and collections of more than 20 million specimens.
The Great Hall of the Museum is spectacular. It has the world's largest, most complet and most famous T. Rex, named Sue. An orchestra was playing that day in the main hall, it sounded superb. It also have two natural size elephants figthing. In the ceiling is a flying dinosaur, I believed it's from the Pterodactylus species. In the other side of the hall it has a Long Neck Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus I believe. (sorry if I got those two species wrong, I'm not an expert)
This one is inside of one of the galleries of the Musseum. This belongs to Papua, New Guinea. The setting of this boat is great, I loved the lighting, and also the painting in the back wall, yes it's a painting. Congratulations to the great artist in the Musseum.
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